With this approach, the application may receive a duplicate message after a broken connection, but it will not lose any. 使用此方法,应用程序可以在断开连接后接收重复的消息,而不会丢失任何内容。
Linux will find duplicate labels because you have multiple paths for each file system, which will prevent your file systems from automatically mounting. Linux将发现重复的标签,因为您的每个文件系统都有多条路径,这将导致无法自动挂载文件系统。
Duplicate event data consolidation can be distinguished from buffer wrap conditions in that the keyword BUF_WRAP will not be read in the consolidation case. 重复事件数据整合与缓冲区回绕的表现差异在于,在发生整合时并不会读取到关键字BUFWRAP。
Despite individual service interfaces having the correct description in the registry, duplicate entries will result in the discovery of incorrect whole services. 尽管注册中心中单个服务接口的描述是正确的,但重复的条目将导致整个服务的发现不正确。
Recall that clients were defined with a primary key on the client ID column, so attempting to import duplicate rows will fail. 记得clients对客户ID列定义了一个主键,因此在尝试导入相同行时将失败。
Note: There will be duplicate info on columns CUST_NUM and CUST_NAME, which will be passed to the customer table and will cause primary key collision. 注:在CUSTNUM和CUSTNAME列上有重复信息,它们将被传递到客户表,导致主键冲突。
The test will duplicate a manual regression suite that requires several senior testers to run; it will require only one junior tester. 测试将复制一个需要几个高级测试员来运行的人工回归套件;它将只需要一个初级测试员来运行。
In case of duplicate properties ( i.e., two objects in the stack with employeeId property), the property of the highest object in the stack will be used. 如果存在相同的属性(堆栈中的两个对象都拥有employeeId属性),将使用堆栈中位置最高的对象的属性。
If there are duplicate names, the outer-most attribute will be used, and the inner attribute ( s) with the same name will not be accessible. 如果遇到重复的名称,则使用最外层的属性,而内部的同名属性永远不会被访问。
Duplicate photo URLs will not be allowed, because the URL is the key of the object. 复制照片URL是不允许的,因为URL是对象的键。
EWU identifiers are required to eliminate the occurrence of duplicate values that will interrupt and delay the processes of disaster recovery, high availability, and virtualization. EWU标识符可以消除重复的值,这些重复的值会破坏和拖延灾难恢复、高可用性和虚拟化过程。
You can create the placeholder once, then duplicate it for each test plan ( with the idea that the headline and other metadata will be modified as the plan is actually developed). 您能够创建一次占位符,然后将其复制到每一个测试计划中(当计划被实际实施时,标题和其他元数据将将被修改)。
The safest way to prohibit duplicate primary keys is to have your application ( which will be managing a sharded system anyway) generate keys. 避免相同主键最安全的方法就是让应用程序(应用程序将管理切分系统)生成主键。
For example, if a duplicate source table row matches exactly with the same target table row that has been updated, you will see the error message. 例如,如果复制已被更新的、与相同目标表行匹配的源表行,那么您将会看到错误消息。
Upon receipt of the Application Form from the exhibitor, the official Contract in duplicate will be sent to the applicant for signature. 秘书处接到报名后向参展单位寄发正式合同一式两份,以待会签。
You should place it in your root directory and include instructions that will help you to avoid duplicate content and will optimize the crawling of your website. 你应该把它放在根目录下,里面包含可帮你避免重复内容和优化你的网站的指导。
There are duplicate filenames in this FTP session, they will not be transfered. 此ftp会话中有重复的文件名,将不传输这些文件。
Cells have two copies of nearly every chromosome ( one each from the mother and father) and they must duplicate these during cell division so that the subsequent cells will also have two each. 每条染色体细胞都含有两个拷贝(一个来自母方,一个来自父方),当细胞分裂时,这些染色体就要复制,因此子代细胞仍有两个拷贝。
If you have duplicate rows in your table, they will not be returned as distinct. 如果在你的表中有重复的记录,那么它们将不会作为不同的的记录返回。
Ii. A rail transport document marked "duplicate" will be accepted as an original. 注明“第二联”的铁路运输单据将被作为正本接受。
And the compliance costs of duplicate accounting, the bulk of which investors ultimately bear, will disappear. 并且由投资者最终承担的因重复做账而形成的合规成本也会消失。
Make a duplicate tape as your submission will not be returned. 提交的认证材料请仔细备份,一律不予退回。
For duplicate attributes, the last one added to the list will be kept. 对于重复的属性,保留最后一个添加到列表的属性。
The overall system development uses the object-oriented design idea, divides into various functions module, each module all provides to the outside connection, in order to next duplicate will use; 整个系统开发采用面向对象的设计理念,分成各功能模块,每个模块都提供向外接口,以便今后复用;
For different types of businesses, the banks need to duplicate the similar system, which will definitely result in high operational costs in the intermediate business, delay the coming of new products and thus critically impede the development of the intermediate business. 对于不同类型的业务,银行需要不断重复开发类似系统,这就造成银行推行中间业务的成本居高不下,新产品推出缓慢,严重阻碍了银行中间业务的发展。
Duplicate data is an important factor that affects the quality of data. The duplicate data will not only cause redundancy, increasing the amount of data and the burden of data warehouse, but also affect the analysis and decision-making seriously. 重复数据是影响数据质量的一个重要因素,数据重复不仅会造成数据的冗余,使数据量增大,增加数据仓库的负担,还会严重影响分析和决策。
Teaching resources building, which stays at the technical level, cannot carry through the research on the whole programming about the resources. And a large amount of duplicate development will make resource development low efficient and poor sharing. 停留在技术层面的教学资源建设无法对资源进行总体规划研究,大量的重复开发,使得资源开发效率低下,共享性差。